Shopify monthly maintenance is typically completed in the first week of each month. This helps us ensure our maintenance clients’ sites are functioning, producing expected results, and backed up as needed. Many clients have different needs for maintenance each month, and sometimes those needs will change. Always check with project lead (BMo) for any updates on client maintenance needs.
- Use this GS for maintenance tasks:
- If there are any issues or errors for any clients, insert a comment into the appropriate block, leave it red, and inform BMo of the issue(s) for further guidance.
- The first part of this document is arranged by Clients. The second part is the explanation of each task.
Required Tasks
Test all contact Forms
- Go to client contact form and fill in required fields.
- Use “Test” for name, for email and you can use 1234567890 to fill in phone number fields.
- In the message box, write something like “YWM Test (no reply)”
- Look for a success message (usually something that says “Thanks for contacting us….”)
Check Newsletter Signups and Popups
- Fill in newsletter signups and popups with “” email
- Look for success message (most have one)
- Some clients do not require email verification for newsletter sign up. For these clients, you need to go into Shopify→Customers and look up the email you used. Click on it, and and look for “Marketing Status” block (SKT, W7, WT, GCA, FMC,
- Click on “Edit” and uncheck any checked boxes then save.
Check Apps (Globo, Recipe Kit) for updates
- Only a few clients (DW, GYAO, NS, SMH, GCA) use Shopify apps that do not automatically update.
- For Recipe Kit updates (GYAO), follow the KB here.
- For Form Builder (Globo), click on Apps in Shopify and choose Powerful Contact Form Builder. If an update is needed for the app, it will automatically ask you if you want to update when you open the app. Follow the instructions to update.
Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
For the clients who maintain a Google Sales Channel, you can easily check the connection status in Shopify. Go to Google under Sales Channel. If you do not see any error messages about not being connected to Google and you can see “Product Status” with a number of approved, pending, or not approved products, then connection is established.
Check Google Merchant for errors
- You MUST be signed in under YWM Gmail in order to get into Google Merchant.
- Choose the client from the top drop down menu.
- Go to Products→Diagnostics
- If there are any disapproved items, make a comment in the appropriate client GS box noting how many are disapproved.
Check FB store/Check IG feed
- Go to Online Store→Facebook & Instagram
- Check that appropriate channel is Active
- If the channel is not connected, make a comment in GS and notify lead
Date of last order?
- Simply click on Orders in Shopify and look at the top/most recent order. Enter that date on GS
Date of last new content?
- In Shopify, check Online Store→Blog Posts for newest content and fill in cell with date of latest post (or recipe).
eCommerce Conversion Rate for previous Month in Google Analytics (GAnal)
- Make sure you are signed into the profile to be able to access Google Analytics. (Requires 2FA code)
- Select the client from the dropdown menu at the top, then select Conversions→Ecommerce→Overview.
- On the Overview page, select the entirety of the previous month in the date dropdown in the upper right hand corner.
- Ecommerce Conversion Rate is the percentage needed on the checklist.
Check for Dev themes
To check for Dev themes (only a few clients will have this), in Shopify, go to Online Store→Themes and look in Theme Library for most recent theme (may or may not have “Dev” in title) and enter the date next to “Last Saved” in checklist.
Export Theme
To export theme for backup, first make sure you are logged in to Shopify under YWM profile not your own. (Clients are notified when files are exported, so they won’t have to wonder who is doing it).
- Theme file is sent to ZenDesk as a ticket. When the ticket is made, change the title to the Client abbreviation and “Monthly Maintenance” followed by the month in parentheses.
- Example ticket title: AA: Monthly Maintenance (Mar)
- Change requester to client
- Assign it to yourself
- Change to Low priority
- Add 10 min in Web Time and 10 min in Total Time (except for AA/AAF which is 15 min)
- Submit as Open (leave ticket open for other backup files)
Product Export for Backup
- For product export in Shopify, go to Products and click Export.
- Select “All Products” and “Plain CSV file” then “Export products”
- Product file will go to ZD as a ticket. If there is no theme export for client, use this ticket as the monthly maintenance ticket (see above for details). If there is already a maintenance ticket, copy the download link in its entirety and paste into maintenance ticket as a new note, then delete the export ticket.
Export Customers
- To export customer list in Shopify, go to Customers and click Export.
- Ensure “All Customers” and “Plain CSV file” is selected then click “Export customers”
- In ZenDesk, copy and paste download link in its entirety from export ticket to maintenance ticket, then delete export ticket.
Export Orders
- To export orders from Shopify, go to Orders and click Export
- Ensure “All Orders” and “Plain CSV file” are selected then select “Export Orders”
- In ZenDesk, copy and paste download link in its entirety from export ticket to maintenance ticket, then delete export ticket.
Lighthouse Scores
- To check a client website Lighthouse scores, open an ICO window (for Google Chrome, this is a right click on the icon and choosing “New Incognito Window”)
- In new window, enter client’s site URL. When page loads, close any popups and right-click, select “Inspect”
- Select “Lighthouse” from the top menu, choose “Mobile” under Device and then click “Analyze page load”
- Once the report finishes running, the scores will appear.
- Fill in the scores on the checklist matching the top 4 scores with their respective cell.
- 90-100 in green
- 50-89 in yellow
- Below 50 in red
- If Performance score is below 70, take screenshot of report (like above), run another report for Desktop scores and add both screenshots to client’s CWV ticket (search in ZD for most recent CWV ticket. If there isn’t one, create one and assign to BMo). Lots of examples in previous CWV tickets.
Tasks Required By Client
3GEN Sports (3GEN)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups and popups - Check popup and footer signups
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order
- Date of last new content
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Product export for backup
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
- Check newsletter signups and popups - Check popup and footer (both in ICO window) signups, and “Connect With Us” page sign up
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Check FB store
- Date of last order
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Check for dev themes
- Product export for backup
- Export customers
- Exports orders
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
Authentically American Flash (AAF)
- Check newsletter signups - footer and Connect With Us sign up
- Date of last order
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
Design-A-Stone (DAS)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups and popups - Check popup and footer signups
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Check FB store
- Check IG feed
- Date of last order
- Date of last new content
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Check for dev themes
- Export theme
- Product export for backup
- Export customers
- Exports orders
Dewalt MobileLock (DW)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form and Suspend and Deactivate form (fill in all required fields here with made up info). I also check the Form Builder app submissions since they get a lot of activity. If there has been a submission the same day, I use that as proof of functionality instead of filling out the forms myself.
- Check apps - Globo/Form Builder app
- Check newsletter signups and popups - halfway down homepage
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order
- Date of last new content
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Product export for backup
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
The French Market Candle Company (FMC)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups and popups - check popup and bottom of homepage
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order
- Date of last new content
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
Grill Your Ass Off (GYAO)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups and popups - Check popup and footer
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Check FB store
- Date of last order
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Check for dev themes
- Product export for backup
- Export customers
- Exports orders
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
Henry Dairy Farms (HDF)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups and popups - halfway down homepage
Nightstick (NS)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check apps - Globo/Form Builder app
SaveMH (SMH)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check all newsletter signups and popups - footer
- Check apps - Globo/Form builder app
- Ensure Google Channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order?
- Date of last new content?
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV Ticket
Skandinavia Texas (SKT)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signup
- Ensure Google channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order?
- Date of last new content?
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Check for dev themes
- Product export for backup
- Lighthouse Scores
Wicked Seven (W7)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signup - bottom of homepage and footer
- Ensure Google channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order?
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Product export for backup
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
Wood Thingamajigs (WT)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signup - bottom of homepage and footer
- Ensure Google channel is connected in SF
- Check Google Merchant for errors
- Date of last order?
- eCommerce Conversion rate for previous month (GAnal)
- Product export for backup
- Lighthouse Scores/CWV ticket
GCA Automated Watermakers (GCA)
- Test all contact forms - Contact Form
- Check newsletter signups - bottom of homepage
- Check apps - Globo/Form Builder app
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